What EIN look like?
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a federal tax identification number and is used to identify a business entity. EIN is a unique nine-digit number issued by the IRS and includes information about which state in which the corporation is...
Are EIN and TIN the same?
There are many acronyms used by the IRS to identify the types of taxpayers and they are quite confusing for someone new, in this blog, we can discuss EIN and TIN.EIN and TIN are both used for business purposes meanwhile SSN and ITIN is used to identify yourself.EIN...
Why is an EIN Required?
If you run a business, trust or administer an estate, It is legally required for you to have a Federal tax identification number which is commonly known as Employer Identification Number or EIN for short. Why you need an EIN? You will be required to have an EIN...